ГДЗ, английский язык, Enjoy english, 4 класс, К рабочей тетради

ГДЗ, Английский язык, Enjoy english, 4 класс, К рабочей тетради.
Прочитай и скажи.
1) What can you do in winter? — I can ski, toboggan, ski jump, skate and play hockey in winter.
2) What can you do in summer? — I can ride a bike, play football, play badminton, water-ski, swim and dive in summer.
3) What can you do any time? — I can jump, run, play basket-ball, play volley-ball and play tennis any time.

ГДЗ, Английский язык, Enjoy english, 4 класс, К рабочей тетради

Ответьте на вопросы.
1) The Frog is. The Frog lives in the river.
2) The Frog likes to chat very much.
3) No, they don’t. The ducks don’t like winter, because it’s snowy and cold.
4) The ducks take the Frog with them because the Frog doesn’t like winter. She likes summer, too.
5) The birds say to the Frog that she must not speak.
6) The children see the ducks and the Frog in the sky.
7) It is autumn in the text. I like this season because the leaves are bright and it is cold and rainy.

Скажи, что ты можешь делать в разную погоду. Используй слова из рамки.
1) When it’s rainy, I can read books.
2) When it’s snowy, I can ski and skate.
3) When it’s warm, I can walk in the park.
4) When it’s windy, I can draw pictures.
5) When it’s hot, I can dive and swim.
6) When it’s sunny, I can play with my friends.

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